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SEID System Glossary

The primary statistics of a Player Character, measured numerically from 1 to 10. The base Attributes are Strength (STR), Endurance (END), Intelligence (INT), and Dexterity (DEX).
Actions refer to the mechanical decisions players can make during gameplay. Actions always have a mechanical consequence within the game, and most will involve rolling dice.
Derived from Attributes, Skills determine a Player Character's level of competence at various tasks by providing a modifier to rolled values. They are split into three categories, defining how they are calculated.
Development is the system through which players are rewarded for play, and Player Characters' statistics are improved.
Modifiers are positive or negative values assigned to Skills, Rescue Rolls, and rarely Attributes or Derived Statistics. They represent things like having the right tools for a job, being in favorable conditions for a fight, or suffering from an injury or illness.
Innate Skill
Innate Skills are abilities that don't require any Training to use. The base Modifier for an Innate Skill is (Attribute x10)%. Each Attribute has at least one related Innate Skill.
Professional Skill
Professional Skills are abilities that require Training, practice, or specialized Equipment to be able to perform. The base Modifier for a Professional Skill is calculated as ((Attribute x5) +(Trained x10))%. Each Attribute has multiple related Professional Skills.
Combat Skill
Combat Skills are abilities that represent the Player Character's ability to fight with a given weapon or martial style. Usually these are most heavily Modified by Weapons, in addition to a base Modifier of (Attribute x5)%. Player Characters can use two Combat Skills per Attribute.
Rescue Modifier
This is the default Modifier applied to Rescue Rolls. It is calculated (Attribute x3)%.
Skill Modifier
This is the default Modifier applied to Skill Rolls. It is calculated based on the type of Skill.
Equipment Modifier
This is a Modifier applied by equipped items. Most pieces of Equipment confer a handful of Modifiers when equipped, detailed at the bottom of the Equipment Card.
Weapon Modifier
This is a Modifier applied to a Combat Rolls by and equipped Weapon. It is included near the bottom of the Weapon Card.
Derived Statistics
Derived Statistics are mechanical details about a Player Character that do not directly effect Actions. They are calculated from Attributes, and the base Derived Statistics are Encumberance, Injury Threshold, Stress Threshold, and Speed.
The Timeframe assigned to an active Modifier defines how long it will be active without player intervention. Timeframes are Immediate, Brief, Enduring, and Permanant.
Anybody playing with a Player Character.
Player Character
The Player's created or assigned character, to differentiate from Non-Player Characters.
Game Moderator
A single player tasked with ensuring the mechanical operation of the game, and shaping the setting, conflicts, NPCS, and other details about the game world.
The dice used when playing with the SEID system. A d00 is made up of two ten-sided dice, rolled together, to produce a number between 00 and 99.
A ten-sided gaming die, mostly used as half of a d00. Occassionally used, such as during Character Creation and tie-breaking.
Rush Penalty
A Rush Penalty is a negative Modifier added to any actions taken while Rushing.
Whenever a player acts more than once during a turn of Combat, they are considered to be Rushing. Ability to Rush is governed by Speed.
Experience Points (XP)
These are awarded to the player for overcoming adversity and achieving goals. They are spent to improve Attributes, Train Skills, and Purchase Traits.
Development Potential (DP)
This score represents the Player Character's capacity to improve. It can be increased by injury, loss, and failure. Growth cannot exceed this score.
The sum of all spent Experience Points. Growth cannot exceed Development Potential, meaning that PCs can only develop through taking risks and facing consequences.
Injury Threshold (IT)
Injury Threshold represents a PC's capacity for bodily harm. It is derived from Endurance and ranges from 4 to 14. Every Injury sustained by a PC occupies 1 to 5 points of IT. Injuries can increase DP.
Stress Threshold
Stress Threshold represents a PC's capacity for mental harm. It is derived from Intelligence and ranges from 2 to 7. Every Trauma sustained by a PC occupies 1 to 3 points of ST. Minor Trauma can increase DP, while Major Trauma can penalize DP.
Traits are special permanant Modifiers that can alter Attributes, and confer special gameplay effects. They are purchaseable during Character Creation and Development, and can be awarded by the Game Moderator.
Derived from the Strength Attribute, Encumberance dictates how many pieces of Equipment can be equipped simultaneously. It ranges from 3-8. Equipment only conveys Modifiers when it's equipped.
Derived from Dexterity, Speed determines player turn order, and how many Rushing Actions a PC can perform.